David Jay
About Writer
A full year course consisting of six months of taught courses on a range of practical conservation topics and a six month thesis. Courses ranged from ecology to international policy to community-based conservation. My thesis was on phenotypic plasticity in the Mallorcan midwife toad (Alytes muletensis), including fieldwork in Mallorca. Final grade Distinction.
Three year degree course consisting of taught courses in a wide range of topics and a final year dissertation. Course topics ranged from logic to ethics to philosophy of science., including a final year course in Analogy & Metaphor. Final year dissertation on Philosophical Themes in the Novel Catch-22. Final grade 2:1.
Work & Experience
Maternity cover role, and subsequently contracted on a freelance basis. Preparing News Alerts for European Commission project Science of Environmental Policy. Primary activity involved preparing short (c. 600 word) briefings aimed at European policy-makers based on recent peer-reviewed papers on environmental science. Also involved scanning journals for suitable papers and contributing to larger reports.
Working on a wide range of writing work, primarily for environmental NGOs. Types of projects have included policy reports and factchecks, strategy documents, website content including blog posts and static pages, and others (including internal documents not publicly available).
Researching, compiling and writing The Essential Personnel Sourcebook - a compendium of research- and survey-based information on various human resource management topics. Included writing a guide to statistics that was included in all books in the Essential Sourcebook series.
Varying roles on a range of projects including: • Preparing industry analysis reports for Market Tracking International. • Designing, conducting and analysing market research studies for Video Arts. • Researching, developing and writing primary maths PC game for Ludisco.
Wide-ranging role involving managing relationships with overseas field projects and co-ordinating an international technical team under the UN Environment Programme. Produced regular articles for the website and supporter magazine, print and online campaign materials, reports for corporate and individual donors, and internal and external policy documents. Key Responsibilities • Managing long term relationships with projects and collaborators. • Preparing updates and reports for a range of internal and external audiences including supporters, donors, and media. • Preparing numerous campaign materials and letters to Ministers and other decision makers. • Extensive collaboration with a range of stakeholders including: government ministers, UN agencies, NGOs of all sizes, leading scientists and academics, media, and donors.
Working for a social impact consultancy supporting the travel industry on animal and nature protection issues. Co-ordinating and supporting a network of grassroots NGOs. Contributing to written materials including industry-leading reports on Nature Positive Travel & Tourism published by the World Travel & Tourism Council and UN Tourism. Preparing copy for newsletters, blogs, website and internal materials.