How to Make Money Writing (Expert Guide + 3 Ideas for 2024)

Today we are going to discuss how to make money writing.
Here’s what we will cover:
Want to become a full-time writer in 2024?
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Freelance writing is the most straightforward way to make money writing online because you can start generating income immediately.
Here’s how you can build a successful freelance writing business…
You want to pick a writing niche from the get-go.
Ideally, it should be something that you are already knowledgeable about or at least interested in.
Also, instead of going with a broad niche, consider narrowing down your scope to a specific sub-niche within it.
Say, instead of specializing in online marketing, you could niche down to ecommerce, email marketing, SaaS, etc.
You can build your portfolio by writing free articles for popular websites in exchange for a byline. Which popular blogs in your writing niche accept guest posts?
Also, if you are struggling to land guest posts, then nothing is preventing you from starting your own blog on a platform like Typeshare amd Medium (once you publish some stories, you can apply to join Medium Partner Program). No excuses!
Make sure to have 5-10 high-quality pieces in your portfolio before you start reaching out to potential clients.
How much should you charge?
Typically, freelance writers charge by word, with the rates varying wildly – from $0.01 per word to $1+ per word.
We recommend you to start at a $0.05/word rate, then gradually increase it as you progress in your writing career.
It’s best to avoid organizations and individuals that pay freelance writers less than that – they tend to be what is known as “clients from hell”.
Where can you find freelance writing gigs?
Here are the three most popular options:
UpWork is the most popular freelance marketplace in the world. Source: UpWork.
UpWork is the most obvious choice for freelance writers who are just starting but it’s not necessarily the best one.
The upside is that it offers an endless stream of writing jobs, the downside is that those gigs are typically bottom-of-the-barrel jobs that pay peanuts.
Moreover, the competition for these jobs is insane, with job ads often receiving dozens and dozens of applications.
That being said, there are some freelance writers who have found success on this platform, such as Danny Margulies who has earned hundreds of thousands of dollars freelancing there.
So it is possible to make decent money on UpWork. Just keep in mind that the deck is stacked against you.
ProBlogger job board is the most popular job board for freelance writers. Source: ProBlogger.
A better option is to apply to jobs posted on the ProBlogger job board.
This is a place where serious content marketing agencies go to look for long-term freelance writers, so you are more likely to find decent freelance writing gigs there than on UpWork.
Of course, there’s a ton of competition there as well, but the clients typically aren’t looking for the cheapest writer, they are looking for the best writer that they can afford.
This means that having a solid portfolio will go a long way in helping you stand out from the droves of other writers applying for the same job.
Content Writing Jobs is one of the best freelance writing job boards out there.
Content Writing Jobs is an upscale job board. We charge companies $100 to post a job.
This means that when you see a job ad, you can be sure that the company behind it is serious since they are willing to invest money into finding a great freelance writer.
Also, you can sign up for our daily newsletter and get new jobs straight into your inbox, which can help you be the first to apply. Speed matters!
Arguably, cold outreach is the most effective way to get a high-paying freelance writing job, but it also takes the most initiative.
Here’s how you can start your cold outreach campaign:
You should be able to land at least a few freelance writing gigs this way.
However, if you have reached out to a hundred potential clients, but none of them were willing to hire you, you might want to take a step back and analyze your approach:
Figure out what the issue is and fix it. Then go back to cold outreach with a new list of 100 potential clients.
Once your freelance writing business starts gaining momentum, it’s time to begin gradually raising your freelance writing rates.
The best way to do this is to keep your current clients at the old rate, but also start looking for new clients that are willing to pay more.
When you are confident that you can land writing jobs at your new rate, you can start raising your rates with your existing clients.
Typically, if their budget allows it, they will probably agree to increase your rate because they will not want to deal with the hassle of replacing you.
Of course, you should also be prepared in case they say no, whether that would mean continuing to work with them at the old rate or ending the partnership so that you could take on higher-paying clients.
Also, just to give you an example of what’s possible, freelance writer Kaleigh Moore who specializes in ecommerce and SaaS content has worked her way up to $1.25 per word for one-time assignments such as blog posts.
If you have followed our advice and started out charging $0.05 per word for your writing services, increasing that to $1.25 per word would mean going from $50 per 1,000-word article to $1,250 for a 1,000-word article.
So you can make a great living as a freelance writer if you play your cards right!
Kaleigh Moore charges $1.25/word for one-time assignments such as blog posts. Source: Kaleigh Moore.
Blogging is another great way to make money writing online.
However, unlike freelance writing, where you get paid to write immediately, blogging requires an investment of at least 12 months of work until you can expect to see the results.
You should start by picking a niche for your blog.
We recommend going with one of these three niches:
Of course, you shouldn’t just pick a broad niche like “health and fitness”, you need to niche down further.
For example:
Health and fitness -> weight loss -> ketogenic diet -> carnivore diet.
Usually, new bloggers make the mistake of picking a niche that is too broad, so you might want to err in the opposite direction.
Your #1 priority should be growing your organic search traffic.
That’s where search engine optimization comes in.
Here’s SEO in a nutshell:
You should repeat this process for every article that you publish on your blog.
You should also focus on building your email list.
Here’s how:
Jon Morrow, a popular blogger and writing coach, uses this cheat sheet as one of his lead magnets. Source: Smart Blogger.
The more organic search traffic you generate, the more people will sign up for your email list, and the faster your email list will grow.
Once you have built an email list of at least 1,000 subscribers, you can start monetizing your blog.
Here are the three most popular ways to do it:
You can also make money writing by self-publishing books.
Let’s start by taking a look at the current self-publishing landscape.
Why self-publish at all?
Both self-publishing and traditional publishing have advantages and disadvantages:
Also, aspiring authors tend to be under the impression that traditional publishers take care of the marketing, but that’s simply not the case anymore. Be prepared to promote your book all by yourself even if you go the traditional publishing route.
However, when you publish your book this way, you get a guaranteed advance payment that you then have to earn out to start receiving royalties.
Say, you might get an advance payment of $5,000, then once your book royalties surpass that number, you start receiving royalty payments. This has “a bird in hand is worth two in the bush” benefit because self-publishing offers no such guaranteed income.
However, if you choose to go this route, you have to be prepared to handle everything yourself, from editing to cover art to marketing to sales and distribution.
Overall, we believe that self publishing is a better option for talented writers who have solid writing skills, provided that you are willing to put in the work to promote your book.
Okay, so when it comes to self-publishing, there are two main options:
We recommend going with Amazon unless you want to sell your book as an info product as opposed to a regular book.
Self-publishing can work well for both fiction and non-fiction.
However, note that if you want to make a living self-publishing fiction, you need to be able to churn out 2-3 books per year. We are talking about full-length novels in the 50k – 120k word range.
So how can you self-publish a non-fiction book on Amazon?
You need to find a painful problem that you can offer an effective solution to in a book format.
We recommend you to stick to the three previously mentioned niches: health and fitness, wealth, and relationships.
Once you have an idea for your book, you should validate that idea before you write the whole thing.
Here’s how you can do it:
Are people downloading the free chapter?
This will give you an indication of whether there’s demand for the book that you have in mind.
Of course, if you have never used Facebook ads before, you will need to learn how to run them, which can take a while.
However, it’s better to spend time testing your book idea, than to waste it writing a book that is doomed to fail because no one wants it.
Validated your book idea?
Don’t jump straight into writing, make sure to outline the book first.
This will help you avoid various structural problems down the road. You don’t want to have to cut thousands upon thousands of words just because you didn’t think things through.
Once you have your outline ready, it’s time to start writing your book.
The most reliable method for finishing a manuscript is to commit to writing a set number of words every day no matter what.
For example: If you write 1,000 words a day, you will produce 30,000 words per month, which means that you will have a 50,000-word draft in less than two months.
Once you have your first draft ready, it’s time to whip it into shape through the process of editing.
It is helpful to print out your manuscript so that you could go through the entire thing with a red pen, mark the places that need changes, and then make the edits on a computer.
You might also want to consider getting feedback at this stage. Do any of your friends or relatives belong to your target audience? You might want to show the book to them and ask them what they think.
A book description is where you sell your book to the reader.
On Amazon, it can be up to 4,000 characters, but you should get to the point immediately because no one is going to read a description that long.
Here’s the question that you need to answer:
How will your book make the reader’s life better?
Note that studying copywriting principles can help you write better book descriptions.
You can hire a designer to create a cover for you on UpWork or Fiverr.
Make sure that your cover looks similar to the covers of the bestselling books in the same category – that helps readers to immediately understand what it’s about when they are browsing Amazon.
You can get a book cover on Fiverr. Source: Fiverr.
Simply follow KDP guidelines to publish your book.
It’s important to get positive reviews before you start promoting your book because people are going to make snap judgments based on its rating.
Send copies of your book to family, friends, and anyone else who is willing to read it and leave a review on Amazon.
Just note that these reviews have to be realistic – if you have a 5.0 rating with 100 reviews, potential readers will be suspicious of it because it’s too good to be true.
Publishing your book is just the first step.
You then need to be proactive about promoting it:
Just to give you an example of what qualifies as proactively promoting your book:
When Dorie Clark released “Stand Out” in 2015, she secured 160 podcast appearances that year.
And with her next book, “Entrepreneurial You”, she secured the same number of podcast appearances in just four months. Now that’s proactive!
Also, you might want to read Robert Fitzpatrick’s Write Useful Books, which is about writing non-fiction books that grow in popularity via word-of-mouth without you having to stay on the marketing treadmill forever.
Write Useful Books by Rob Fitzpatrick can help you write better non-fiction.
Want to make a living writing fiction?
Here’s how you can get started…
You should start by picking a fiction genre.
Here are the five most popular ones:
As you can see, these are all entertainment genres, aka popular literature as opposed to high literature.
There’s no good money in writing literary fiction, so if your ambition is to become the next Dostoyevski, you might want to postpone that until after you have made bank with your vampire romance novels.
By the way, you don’t have to write under your real name, you can use a pen name instead.
Ideally, you want to choose a genre that you enjoy yourself, although it is possible to find success writing something that you normally wouldn’t read.
Either way, you should do your homework before you start outlining your novel:
You also want to search for what’s known as “beats” for your genre – for example, Gwen Hayes’ Romancing the Beat: Story Structure for Romance Novels provides beats for romance.
You should study the story structure that works for your genre. Source: Amazon.
Note that the aim here is to meet the readers’ expectations, not to go on a creative writing journey where you break all the rules. You need to follow the rules if you want to make money!
You should create a detailed outline for your novel before you start writing – use a beat sheet to create the structure, then break it down into chapters, then into sections.
Just like with non-fiction, the most effective way to get the first draft done is to set a daily quota of words, say, 1,000 words per day.
You might want to check out Thomas Emson’s “How To Write A Novel In 6 Months: A published author’s guide to writing a 50,000-word book in 24 weeks” for a step-by-step plan that you can follow even if you have a full time job.
Once you have your manuscript, it’s time to edit it. Tighten the plot, sort out the pacing, remove fluff, catch errors, etc.
Renni Browne and Dave King’s “Self-Editing for Fiction Writer, Second Edition: How to Edit Yourself Into Print” might be helpful here.
Self-editing your novel isn’t easy, but it can be done. Source: Amazon.
As we have already discussed, your book description is where you sell your book.
However, the difference between non-fiction and fiction book descriptions is that the former should focus on how the book will make the reader’s life better while the latter should intrigue the reader so that they would feel compelled to get the book.
The best way to learn how to write great book descriptions for novels is to study the descriptions of the bestselling books in your genre.
You can hire someone on UpWork or Fiverr to create a cover for you.
Note that with fiction covers it’s even more important that your cover follows genre conventions – it should be immediately obvious whether your book is a domestic thriller or a paranormal romance or YA dystopia.
Simply follow the KDP guidelines.
Make sure that you set your price within the regular price range for your genre. Also, you can experiment with lower price points, say, $2.99 can work well for genre fiction.
Just like with non-fiction books, reviews are of paramount importance, so make sure to offer people who love your genre review copies.
The most effective way to promote your novel is to run Amazon ads, so learn how to do it profitably.
The best thing you can do to advance your writing career as a fiction author is to write another book. And then another one. And another one. Why?
Because the money is in your back catalog:
When you have one book out, someone who loves it can’t buy anything else from you.
But when you have 15 books out, they can start going through your back catalog. Some people might even buy everything that you have ever published under that pen name!
And once again, if you want to make a living writing fiction, you need to learn how to write novels fast – you should be putting out 2-3 books a year. How else are you going to build that back catalog?
Here are three ways to make money writing:
Becoming a freelance writer is the most straightforward way to make money writing – you can get paid to write articles.
Here’s how you can start making money as a freelance writer: