M.N. Douglass
About Writer
Great with words. Proficient with dogs. Rubbish with pots, pans, and spices.
I did well. It was a different time. I had fun and ran a radio station and read Kierkegaard. A single, young man in the 1990's needed two thousand calories a day to keep body and soul together, $20 to keep gas in the old Volvo, and a skateboard.
I did well. It was a transitional phase. Everyone's head dropped to look at phones. Digital life and social media began to disrupt everyone's analog life. Although euphoria marked the advent of the turtle-necked genius' Apple iPhone and Zuckerberg's social platform, it changed everyone. Profound disruption, unthinkable convenience, and social/political upheaval happened all at once and historians (if there are any in the future) will have difficulty interpreting the early 2000s. Digital life has been a mixed bag and I suspect A.I. will simply produce more of the same at scale. But yes - the Master's in History was wonderful: Herodotus and the French Revolution and Slavic-Russian wheat market price controls in the Early Modern period. So much fun. I would love to do that entire phase of life over again if given the chance.
Work & Experience
I taught English and History and AP World Geography and even served a tour as 8th grade girl's cheerleading faculty sponsor. That last role was a special kind of hell, but I soldiered on.
Getting married young means a guy has more than enough time to raise a rowdy bunch of sons and daughters, and this is exactly what happened to me. Married for 25 years with adult children, my wife and I are playing it cool and not acting too interested in grandchildren. I have multiple businesses running at this point, but I LOVE writing copy and solving messaging problems. I've been doing side-projects for the last decade; I most enjoy cracking open communication problems with the sledgehammer of creativity. I never signed on to social media platforms, but I'm pretty active on craigslist. So.....